About me

P A 5 M N

I am a licensed radio amateur operator since 1982 with the Novice callsign PD0NYZ. Shortly afterwards in 1983 I obtained the technical license with the callsign PE1JYG. Later I changed the call first to PE5MN with full license and later in 2008 to PA5MN.

More explanation about Holland vs the Netherlands

My station info:

My home station includes a ICOM IC-9100 and an ICOM IC-7410 From HF up to 23cm. and a ICOM ID-5100 for 2m/70cm in
my car as well as a ICOM ID-51e+ for 2m/70cm.
QRV with de modes FM, SSB, D-STAR and DMR.

My antennas are a HyEndFed for 80-10m and a 2x VHF & UHF
Vertical Triband antenna's
ADS-B and FLARM receiver for adsbexchange.com

What I Like about Amateuradio

Ever since Marconi transmitted the first radio signals across the Atlantic ocean, about one hundred years ago, amateur experimenters have played an important role in the development of radio communication. In the first part of the twentieth century, radio experimentation by members of the public was barely tolerated by the authorities and radio amateurs were confined to bands which were considered 'useless' for commercial or public use. After World War II, the vast amounts of surplus equipment, which became available, greatly stimulated amateur radio.

One of the most fascinating aspects of amateur radio, is making radio contact with other radio amateurs all over the world. And sometimes in remote locations. Very often friendships for life are made between radio amateurs, carrying out experiments with various, and often advanced, communication techniques.

Personal interest:
> Amateur television
> Long distance HF/VHF/UHF and SHF communications (DX)
> Mobile and portable use
> Amateur satellites
> ADS-B and FLARM Receiver Station